Did you know that tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the nation and in Ohio, according to the Mental Health & Addiction Services of Ohio.
Did you also know that people with mental illness spend as much as 25% of their income on tobacco and consume 44% of the cigarettes sold in the U.S. From: A Hidden Epidemic: Tobacco Use and Mental Illness, 2012.
It is well documented that many people "self medicate" with tobacco for its calming and anti-anxiety effects. Anxiety disorders, from mild depression to PTSD require diagnosis and adequate medical support while weaning the patient off tobacco products.

Ohio’s Tobacco Quit Line: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
The Quit Line serves as one of the most effective means for curbing smoking rates in Ohio – and is available to uninsured individuals, Medicaid recipients, pregnant women and members of the Ohio Tobacco Collaborative (employers and insurance companies which signed up for the plan) free of charge. Callers to the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line are five times more likely to successfully quit smoking than people who quit cold turkey.
If you are ready to quit tobacco but want to make sure that you have the resources and support necessary for success, the Quit Line can help. Designated, experienced “quit specialists” are assigned to each person who enrolls in the program and can help set a quit date and design a quit plan that matches your tobacco use habits.
To read more go to MHA's Website.